Step 1 of 5

As we are a not-for profit club we rely heavily on our volunteers to run events safely, if you are interested in becoming a volunteer for our club, we would love to hear from you.

We have several roles that can always use some more helping hands, like Reception staff, Referee’s and On-field safety staff, and as always just hands to make working bee’s go a bit quicker and smoother.

Volunteer Position descriptions


    • Greet all players and guests as they arrive
    • Register all players
    • Check memberships
    • Conduct a stocktake of saleable items beginning and end of every day
    • Conduct reconciliation of POS and cash at the end of the day.
    • Secure the cash tin
    • Secure any saleable items.
    • Register new membership applications
    • Support the maintenance of the members database
    • Operate the POS system
    • Keep and maintain an accurate head count of all people at the field (in case of emergency)
    • Supervise the players admin area
    • Act as a central control point during an incident or emergency
    • Act as a guide for emergency services if required
  • On-Field Safety Staff 
    • Act as supervision for junior players
    • Act as first aid attendant as required
    • Report any incidents to Referee’s
    • Support Referees as required
    • Assist in keeping an accurate head count of on-field players
  • Referee          
    • Enforce the Club Game play and safety rules
    • Act as on-field safety
    • Act as emergency coordinator as required.
    • Maintain an accurate head count of on-field players
    • Maintain a log of any incidents and players involved
    • Act as First Aid Attendant as required
  • Support Staff 
    • Support the Reception/Admin Staff
    • Conduct cooking of BBQ as required
    • Act as guide for emergency services if required
    • Conduct upgrade and maintenance tasks
    • Participate in working bee’s

If you want to be involved, then please email us for more details at or click the apply button